I have no idea why exactly I have this blog, if there was an Oscar for procrastinating bizarre things I'm sure I would at least be nominated. At the start of this winter a very central and key button fell off my warmest jacket, making it impossible to wear. It is now spring and my jacket still is missing its big grey button. (Psychoanalysis anyone?)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I couldn't sleep one night because a mosquito kept flying in my ear, and if you've ever had this happen to you, I'm sure you'll know how annoying it is. Eventually I gave up trying to ignore it and sleep, I turned on all the lights and chased it around with my pillow for nearly and hour. Eventually during a moment of combined years of repressed athleticism, I hurled the pillow and delivered a deadly final blow. But once gravity took hold and this tiny form floated down to land on the death shroud that had been my pillow I suddenly felt very guilty. First thought through my mind: 'I hope he'd had a happy life.' By this time all my misplaced antagonism from not sleeping had evaporated, I emptied out a matchbox and put the little mosquito in it. There is now a mosquito grave in my backyard, he has a pop-cycle stick gravestone, and when I remember I sometimes leave those tiny daisy or lavender flowers that grow at the bottom of my street next to my mosquitoes grave, may he rest in peace.
Are humans the only species that cries when they are sad? Or are there others? If anyone knows the answer to this please don't hesitate to let me know.